Apr 092008

When my mother passed away 18 years ago, more than 15 years before I started stamping and making cards, one of the things which I chose to keep from her estate was a collection of antique cards that she displayed. I absolutely adored these cards. They always fascinated me. It’s funny how you come across certain things years later as I did with these cards today. I wonder why I didn’t pick up a clue from this fascination as to how I might enjoy the actual creative process of making cards myself. All things in there own time I suppose. So the cards I’m sharing today are three of my favorites. These are the real deal… authentic vintage!! Aren’t they beautiful!


On a side note: I have been having a random poster in the middle of the night whose posts I have enjoyed deleting. So I have enabled a moderation setting. Once you have had one comment approved, all comments after that should (hopefully) show up on the post without moderation. Thanks for understanding. šŸ™‚

19 Responses to “The Real Deal!”

  1. Wow Susan, those are really pretty! I can see why your Mom and now you, have kept on to them.
    Sorry you are having a problem with a poster…hope they go away!

  2. These cards are lovely, I can see why you mother kept them and then you, thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about that poster. I have also added comment moderation to my blog. It is a link to a virus and I don’t want anyone to click on it and mess up their computer. Again, thanks for sharing these beautiful cards.

  3. These are so beautiful!!! TFS!!

  4. So beautiful! They are such wonderful keepsakes! I’m so glad you have them!

  5. What a priceless treasure to have! they’re simply gorgeous and I’m glad you’re preserving them for future generations to enjoy too! Sorry about your bad news blog poster:( Unfortunately these things exist in a less-than-perfect world.

  6. What a marvelous keepsake and how wonderful that this love for beautiful cards ties together the generations.

  7. I have all the cards I gave my gramma in the 50’s and 60’s-been offered a lot of money for them too. nope!

  8. These are beautiful! I love vintage cards too. Have you ever visited the Vintage Workshop? Here is their website:


    What a fun place to visit and browse!!!

  9. Susan, these are so incredibly beautiful. I think you and I have similar personalities and I’d like to share with you that about a year ago, I went through my treasure box, (keepsakes from childhood up until the present) and found my childhood scrapbook, it had cards from my very first birthday all the way through to when I got married. Most were from my great-grandmother (some even had leaves tucked inside that she had sent me from Michigan as I loved the Fall colors even as a child). She’s been gone some 23 years now, and I’m so glad that I saved everything. You’ve sparked memories for me and I think I may have to pull some of those cards and see if I can try to replicate any of them. Oh, by the way, your card for Beate’s challenge is so totally adorable!

  10. My goodness – Those cards are just exquisite!! How lucky you are to have such a meaningful keepsake from your mother that totally ties into your life today. TFS!

  11. What great cards to have around…as inspiration for future creations as well as a memory of you mom.


  12. Susan, these antique cards are so beautiful. I am so glad you saved them. When my mom died about 23 years ago, I discovered so many cards my dad had sent her during the war and I did not save them…what was I thinking? Your cards brought back so many memories for me as well. I wish I had been as smart as you and saved mine! Thanks for posting these because they are truly a treasure of past time and what cards looked like back in the day…


  13. Wow, those are a real treasure, thanks for showing them. šŸ™‚ Happy Day!

  14. Wow! What a treasure to have, they are truly gorgeous!

  15. They are beautiful and you are so lucky to have them. When my mom passed away I found some old, old, sticker flowers in with her stationery. I have not used them yet, but they are really special to me.

  16. These are so gorgeous! What a wonderful keepsake!

  17. Wow Susan, those vintage cards are just beautiful. Your mom had great taste in cards and a wonderful eye for detail. I can see where you get yours from. šŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing these with us.

  18. OH, these are gorgeous!!! Truly gorgeous!!! What beautiful keepsakes to have!!! And I am so sorry to hear about your midnight stalker — but it is GOOD there are ways around it!!! TFS!!!

  19. Oh wow! What a treasure!! They’re lovely and even more special because they were your mom’s!

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